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tick & mosquito control

DiGirolamo Lawn Service is fully licensed and registered with the New York State DEC (NYDSDEC) to apply pesticides.

All of our products are all natural and environmentally friendly leaving your lawn safe to use once the product dries (about 30 minutes).





Organic Flea & Tick Control

The products used in flea and tick control are all natural and environmentally friendly and kill ticks on contact with residual protection lasting up to 30 days. Ticks are present as long as temperatures are above freezing, therefore monthly treatments are recommended from March/April through October. This thorough treatment targets all stages of the ticks life and significantly reduces the overall population. Our licensed technicians spray the entire property including the area known as ecotone which seperates customers yards with wooded and/or tree lined area.

*These products will not harm beneficial insects such as bees, earthworms and butterflies.



Tick Borne Illness':

Lyme disease is the most commonly reported tick borne disease in the U.S. and is caused by the bite of an infected deer tick. Ticks are active when the weather is above freezing, usually from April to November. Late spring and early summer is the time of greatest concern as it is when nymphal ticks are most active. Nymphal stage ticks are incredibly small and difficuly to see (about the size of a poppy seed) and are resposible for the majority of Lyme disease cases. In tick-infested areas, any contact with vegetation, including well-manicured yards, can result in tick exposure. Lyme disease is just one of several tramitted by ticks, other diseases include babesiosi, ehrlichiosis, anaplasmosis, Rocky Mountain spotted fever and deer tick viruses.

*Field mice, chipmunks, squirrels, rabbits and deer are all carriers of ticks and our abundant to our area.

Commons ticks found on Long Island:


Organic Mosquito Control

Moquitos are one of the greatest nusiances that plague the summer. Not only do these pesky insects leave itchy welts, but they carry and spread dieases such West Nile Virus and EEE. Local mosquitos carry both of these diseases.

The products used in mosquito control treatments kill mosquitos on contact and provide residual protection for up to 30 days (these treatments also control ticks). Areas with high mosquito activity (areas near ponds, bays, woods, etc.) may require bi-monthly treatments. We also offer special event spraying, in which we come the day prior and treat the event area.




@2015 By DiGirolamo Lawn Service, LLC                                                                                                                                                          631-725-0975 |

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